Yeah I know, I got a lot of big-name brewery beers while I was in NYC, so why I am reviewing a lesser-known brewery from Utah? Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I want something to just chill out with that would be a quick and easy to review. Plus I've never had a beer from Utah before, so that sounded like fun to me. I do have something special planned for all of next week, though!
B / 3.68 rDev -7.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
I poured a 12oz can into a tulip class (because the can actually recommends a tulip for this beer)
Appearance: jet black with hazy ruby red glow on the underside. Forms a two-finger, off-white, soapy head. Retention is decent with minor lacing.
Smell: Lager yeast and slight toasted malts. Fairly sweet-smelling, but for the most part it's unaromatic.
Taste: For such a statistically "small" beer Cherny Bock has a lot of flavor, especially for a lager. Despite the name, this beer is more in the style of a schwarzbier than a bock with light malty sweetness up front and distinct roasted malt on the backend. Seems a bit like a light cola with an almost artificial sweetener taste at the beginning and end, but the can indicates this beer is brewed under the conditions of the Germany Purity Law of 1516.
While not the most robust beer in the world, the roasted malt flavor remains quite strong throughout and finishes mostly clean with a slight biscuity aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Thin, cold and wet, but not watery per se. Seems noticeably fizzy at first, but carbonation seems to die down quickly. Not quite a light-bodied beer, but on the lower end of medium-bodied.
Drinkability: With a mild, but genuinely flavorful palate combined with easy mouthfeel, Cherny Bock is indeed a sessionable beer at only 4% ABV. It's refreshing while it's in the mouth and goes down extremely smooth. Might be too mild to stand up to a meal, but could be used as a beverage for chips and finger foods or just to session a six-pack while watching the game.
Overall, an impressive beer for what it's able to accomplish. Nothing spectacular in the big scheme of things, though, but will satisfy most beer drinkers.
B / 3.68 rDev -7.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
I poured a 12oz can into a tulip class (because the can actually recommends a tulip for this beer)
Appearance: jet black with hazy ruby red glow on the underside. Forms a two-finger, off-white, soapy head. Retention is decent with minor lacing.
Smell: Lager yeast and slight toasted malts. Fairly sweet-smelling, but for the most part it's unaromatic.
Taste: For such a statistically "small" beer Cherny Bock has a lot of flavor, especially for a lager. Despite the name, this beer is more in the style of a schwarzbier than a bock with light malty sweetness up front and distinct roasted malt on the backend. Seems a bit like a light cola with an almost artificial sweetener taste at the beginning and end, but the can indicates this beer is brewed under the conditions of the Germany Purity Law of 1516.
While not the most robust beer in the world, the roasted malt flavor remains quite strong throughout and finishes mostly clean with a slight biscuity aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Thin, cold and wet, but not watery per se. Seems noticeably fizzy at first, but carbonation seems to die down quickly. Not quite a light-bodied beer, but on the lower end of medium-bodied.
Drinkability: With a mild, but genuinely flavorful palate combined with easy mouthfeel, Cherny Bock is indeed a sessionable beer at only 4% ABV. It's refreshing while it's in the mouth and goes down extremely smooth. Might be too mild to stand up to a meal, but could be used as a beverage for chips and finger foods or just to session a six-pack while watching the game.
Overall, an impressive beer for what it's able to accomplish. Nothing spectacular in the big scheme of things, though, but will satisfy most beer drinkers.
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